The Rebecca Martin Piano Studio

Award winning piano instruction in classical, theory, jazz, blues and

rock improvisation since 1976

A Registered Suzuki Instructor



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Hire a Teenager!

by Rebecca Martin

Music teachers want their students to succeed.  We, as seasoned performers and teachers recognize the value of discipline, repetition, and consistency of practice. We try to train the parents in our studios to work with their children. We offer all kinds of practice incentives, motivational charts, anything we can think of to keep our students moving forward.
But what do you do when this process breaks down, when you feel ineffective with the student’s progress?
The answer in my studio has been to match up the struggling student with a teenaged practice buddy/mentor.
It’s a win/win/win situation.  The younger children love the attention of the older teenager and will work much harder to please them and complete all the practice spots.  The teenaged helpers love the contact with the younger children and the practice times reinforce the basics of playing the instrument for the older student. The parents love it because they get a break from the practice schedule.  In lots of cases, my older students are much more accomplished pianists and can more efficiently and effectively move the practice session along. Having played the literature, they are empathetic to difficult passages.
The practice helpers are paid for their time by the student’s parents.  They travel to the student’s home (another convenience for the parents).  They agree on a set time, which encourages consistent practice.  Some set up a 1-2 times per week schedule or they make themselves available to work when a competition or festival is approaching.  They coach individuals or ensembles. They are so proud of their “students” when they hear them at recitals and the younger students are excited to get positive reinforcement from their practice buddies.
When I am working out at the gym, I see many adults who have hired personal trainers to help motivate them or to get them past some athletic plateau.  Why not do the same for your child?  Don’t let them quit.  Hire a teenager! It will make a lasting difference.


2005 Summer Workshop Session

Rebecca Martin Studio

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